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Caitlin Emma Bowes

I recently came upon this mistress of culinary art and couldn’t have been more blown away. Word of warning: not the best site to scroll after a breakup, when hangry, or just before going to bed- you’ll find yourself craving yet again…

Having said that, this website is quite superb. Ella Woodward- baker, chef, and author of the book Deliciously Ella prides herself on emphasizing the importance of plant-based ingredients in a daily diet living by three values of food: Natural, Simple, and Honest. Ella was diagnosed with an illness called Postural Tachycardia Syndrome early in her life, which had detrimental effects on her health but inspired her to find a way to live off a healthier diet.

Don’t let the word plant-based throw you off, Ella is just as much of a sugar and carb junkie as you and I but has over the years discovered ways to create deliciously fabulous meals made from whole-food, plant-based ingredients. Her beautiful website offers a range of recipes to try from baked beetroot falafels to gooey chocolate flapjack bites. Have a look at her home page where you’ll find some grocery stores she owns and homemade produce she sells (there’s a real earthy girl feel about them, in the best way possible)

Left: loaded mexican-style sweet potato skins; right: creamy mushroom and herb pasta.

Photo credit: Deliciously Ella website

Ella has established herself on more than one media platform. You can follow her journey written about in her blog and of course, make sure to check out her YouTube page for some sensational recipe ideas. The page also includes foodie challenges, Q&A’s AND videos showcasing the interesting and quirky food events she attends. What a life it must be...

Ella has also done her fair share to give back to the less fortunate and empower young adults with terminal illnesses. Ella is involved with Trestock, a charity that improves the lives of youth living with cancer. She's also partnered with The Felix Project, a strikingly creative food project which aims to deliver surplus healthy food to charities with the aim of addressing food insecurity within England.

If I haven’t sold you yet, just go watch for the British accent - it’s worth it, I promise.

Photo credit: Deliciously Ella website



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