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Caitlin Emma Bowes

The title should have you reading this paragraph already, who doesn’t like the idea of a rustic little Kombi, a paper travel map, some of your finest road-tripping playlist tunes, and some good company. KOMBI LIFE, the most refreshingly brilliant travel vlog I’ve come across in a while is probably the best take on a more kosher version of Bear Grylls. The nomadic travel team consists of an inspiring duo- Leah and Ben, their Instagram famous doggo Alaska, and their mighty steed Co’Pito (their Kombi).

The captivating concept of Kombi Life is centered around their style of traveling. This duo travel around various locations, road-tripping to the most exotic of regions BUT opening Co’Pito’s sliding door to any traveler along the way. From the energetic, ready-to-hike Mount Picchu in a few hours kind of guy to a determined pensioner with some chutzpah for jet setting - absolutely anyone with a story to tell is welcomed with open arms.

Photo credit: Kombi Life Instagram

Ben and Leah have some extraordinary videography talent which they showcase on both their YouTube page and their website. It's definitely worth your while to have a look at the wonders and wonderful way locations are filmed in their display of travel vlogs. These vlogs are updated regularly as the duo trip their way around the world's hidden gem locations. It gets better too... If you’ve ever wanted to give the camping thing a go, and don’t mind getting your fingers dirty or putting your basic survival skills to work, Leah and Ben have some simplistic camping hacks for you. Whether it’s catching your own fresh food or how to get your temporarily bombed-out travel vehicle up and running again, they’ve got you covered.

Photo credit: Kombi Life Instagram

This nomadic couple have also raised incredible amounts for charity and currently run a project called Hasta Alaska in which they offer accommodation and travel adventures to strangers for absolutely nothing in return. This is not a guilt plea, as I definitely haven’t done my fair share of community service. I guess what I’m trying to say here, is from an inspirational perspective, do yourself a favor and go subscribe, or even just take a look at their videos. Who knows, in a few years you may pass a Kombi, some nomadic travelers and a particularly adventurous looking cocker spaniel.

Photo credit: Kombi Life YouTube channel

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