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Caitlin Emma Bowes

The establishment, funding for and the need to make sexual offences courts a reality for South Africa has become more and more prevalent over the years, with an increasing awareness and push for sexual offences courts predominantly by women’s organisations, universities, and the public over social media. I elected to produce and direct a short documentary exposing a perspective of the Western Cape and to an extent the broader South African predicament we currently face regarding the implementation of these specialized courts.

Rape, rape culture, sexual offence, and harassment are realities and notions that you’d be pretty hard-pressed as a citizen of any country, not to be aware of. This documentary only scratches the surface of the local problematic situation regarding rape and sexual offences. If you’re interested in the current and future position South Africa may be facing and currently is facing when it comes to protecting the victims and survivors of rape and sexual offence in our country, I urge you to take a look and reflect.

Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any critiques, comments, or thoughts you’d like to share. I’m always up for a conversation- because ultimately that’s where it all starts.


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